Friday, March 14, 2008

Who is she?

Looking through a looking glass
A stranger's looking back at me
I look to see what I look like
Instead I wonder- "Who is she?"

A face so different from my own
Eyes that seem to hold my stare,
With questions I don't understand
Before those eyes, my soul lays bare.

A kindred spirit or long lost friend
I know not who the image is,
Yet something tells me I know her well
In a world quite different from this.

I am as much a stranger
To her, as she to me
Yet we share a deeper fear
Of who we are and who we'll be.

I smile at her, a hesitant smile
And she smiles right back at me
A chord is struck, a deal is made
For maybe one day I will be she.


Inspired by Abhi Tak Single's post - I spy with my little eye


Blogger Still Searching said...

Hmmmm.... It's no wonder that I don't spend too much time looking at myself in the mirror... escapism is my motto in life!

6:56 PM 
Blogger Chaitali Patel said...

wow man I wish I could write even two lines that rhyme.

1:05 AM 
Blogger Zee said...

i was just going to say that!!! :) abt beta having roti blog.....

1:50 AM 
Blogger nutty said...

@still searching - hehe!

@chaitali - errr.... I wish I could write a lot better :) but thank you!

@zee - gujjob!

@dang baby - thank you! I tried returning the favor and dropping by your blog as well but your profile was inaccessible :) Leave a link to your blog if you like tho :) See you around!

5:54 PM 
Blogger Pri said...

nice one! :)
made me search my blog and fish this one out...its one of my favs..not an original it as a fwd...but one helluva piece!
check it out...


5:52 AM 
Blogger Garima Goyal said...

really well written!

12:15 PM 

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