Sunday, June 24, 2007

I believe I may be on my way to becoming a blog-aholic. Innumerable times through the last week I have thought about how blog-worthy my current circumstances are but by the time I get to spend "quality time" with my laptop, the happenings of the day seem either too personal or too trivial.

I really don't know at this point what I'm going to write about today. I do know I need to write. Just get some words out there. They may not be the words I need to shout out loud but they will have to do for now.

Far away lands and fairy tales do come true, if only for one in a dozen. Unfortunately I'm not one of them. With this in mind, I took a decision recently and as they say - with great decisions come great doubts, or something like that. (Yes, yes we all saw spidey, we all know the line... just humor me won't you?!). All the same it was something I needed to do, so, to hell with the consequences I guess. I only hope the collateral damage is minimal.

Someone read my previous posts recently and commented on how cryptic most of them were. Like it was an inside story meant to be understood by only those who know whats going on in my life. For everyone out there who agrees... I'm sorry. I can only share so much, I guess, without sounding like a total nut case bordering manic depressive :)

However on a lighter note, I do need to make a confession! I started a new job last month and I absolutely love it! There! It's out in the open now! My boss is not a mean bastard, my work does not bore me to death, I do not count the hours before I can run away and I do not get through each day surfing the net at work. Miraculous as it sounds, I'm still a programmer! I think I'm probably one of the rare few who can actually be both ... a software engineer and a happy person!

Note to self - From now on I shall fixate on the positives in my life for the moment and leave the rest behind. (Very good advice form a very good friend :D)

So that's my contribution to blog-land for now. Now all I have to think of is a random end to a very random post ... and I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep* :)

so... Goodnight!

* Song - Feelin' Groovy by Simon and Garfunkel


Blogger Zee said...

both u and ruchi have put up posts about luving ur work!!! hmmmm...i feel sorry for u both! what would u crib about if not work??? :D

anyway, good to see u writing again.......inspires me too......

8:53 AM 
Blogger Cool said...

i agree with you "the happening of the day seem either too personal or too trivial"..
Congrats for the new job.....

1:52 PM 
Blogger Unknown said...

congrats on the new job...feel like you have penned down my thoughts.

10:07 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is this? Job loving fever? Even though it is turning me in dark shade of green, I would say I'm Apppy for ya... :)
N i like tht.. Focus on Gud thngs, Ignore not-so-good part of life :)

4:41 AM 
Blogger Still Searching said...

Cool about new job! We got to catch up one of these days!

And yeah, past couple of weeks I've also been going through "bloggers moments", but not had access to a comp to write it all down! Must have lost a dozen thoughts in the process!

12:54 PM 
Blogger nutty said...

@zee - how about a crappy lou life ;) I'm sure there is no dearth of ex-s etc we can complain about!

@cool - thanks! just saw your latest post otherwise was going to ask you when you going to be inspired like zee and write again :)

@chaitali - thanks! wow! glad to know so many of us job-lou'ers exist!

@dreamer - thnku! I shall respond to your tag soon :)

@ruchika - same pinch! btw when are we going to get in touch now that we're atleast on the same land mass :)

6:55 PM 
Blogger Bullshee said...

I know what you mean about the blogaholism! I catch myself "blog relating" the daily stuff that goes on in my life....often I'm thinking:"Oh look, a coffee mug, how can I write about that and make it interesting?"

Then again, maybe its just me, and I'm going a bit crazy.....

[hey look, a fairy!] :D :D :D

11:15 PM 
Blogger Cuckoo said...

Have fun and enjoy the party as long as it lasts! And hey, agree with you on the blogging piece.. if I have nothing to write, I go mad!I seem to be brimming over with blog ideas, some that seem daft the next morn after I've slept over it :)
ps: Is your boss hot?!

3:24 AM 
Blogger Bullshee said...

p.s-blog linky thinging you! will be here more often!

5:46 AM 
Blogger nutty said...

@bullshee - thank you! I've been meaning to update my links as well ... going through ruchi's/zee's blogs is great but getting to the links faster would not be too bad :)

@cuckoo - my boss is definitely not hot and definitely very happily married! lol! Tho what a perfect job it would be if that were tr00! Alas!

8:00 AM 
Blogger Anshul said...

I love Feelin' Groovy!

4:56 PM 
Blogger Anshul said...

slow down you move too fast you gotta make the moment last ...

8:47 AM 
Blogger CandidConfessions said...

Happy for you! Have fun in your job!! And yes, positives show u p u know! :)

1:36 PM 
Blogger nutty said...

@anshul - another Simon and Garfunkel fan! yaay!!

@candid - thanks! great idea about the book club .. response on your blog...

8:57 AM 
Blogger Anshul said...

oh you know whatI met a friend of my dad recently in NY (when I was in NY); he went for the Paul Simon and Art Garfunkle reunion at Central Park; he says you missed it.

9:44 AM 
Blogger nutty said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

6:01 PM 
Blogger Still Searching said...

Hehehe... u've def updated your link list!! :)) (just read your comment about going through our blogs!)

Will call you this weekend...

11:35 AM 
Blogger Nice New Guy said...

"I started a new job last month and I absolutely love it!"

They say that the first 2 weeks of a new relationship constitute the 'honeymoon period', before it all gets to the real deal. It translates to 2 months for a new job.

How are you feeling about it now? :)

1:20 AM 

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