Monday, July 31, 2006

Ah! How I wait for the days when I will have no exams!

It's a well known fact that every student catches up on tasks that they have been procrastination about forever as soon as the ugly exam monster rears its head. And I'm no exception! Recent history seems to indicate I have a passion for blogging only when I'm drunk or when I should be studying :D

Ok. Ok. Another well-known saying is "its easier said than done". So think about that before you proceed to lecture me. And I'll leave you with that thought and find some other inconsequential "important" task.

Of course .. How blasphemous of me to indicate my blogging is even the slightest bit inconsequential. Have I no heart for the hundreds who follow my every published word with undying loyalty... ??!!

Back to the real world now...


Blogger Still Searching said...

I've heard that one is really honest/truthful when drunk, and what you really have in your heart comes out in words when u're just that little bit high.. so perhaps its a good thin u're blogging during those times - we'll have some honest, refreshing posts then!

1:43 AM 
Blogger nutty said...

hehe! looks like I picked the appropriate pastime then.

Though Ruchika, I believe what a person does/says under the influence of alcohol is what they would like to believe to be true .. so for eg I may like to believe I'm manic depressive when I'm intoxicated and hence write a lot of awful stuff but I'm really quite a happy person .. anyways .. its fun all the same ;D

thanks for the comments guys!

1:00 AM 

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